3.6 "full" packages

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Wed Jul 30 00:22:33 UTC 2003

tbr at mannynkapy.net (Tom Rushworth) wrote:
	So what about YAML (www.yaml.org)?  I expect that would be a much lighter
	prereq.  There are Ruby and Perl parsers available.
If you just skip the Document Type Declaration, and only expand references to
entities that you've built in (like, say, the ones in XHTML), then an XML
parser can be a very simple thing.  Not as simple as a parser for Lisp-style
S-expressions, but much simpler than YAML.  (CDATA sections, attribute strings,
and ordinary stuff can all be handled by exactly the same parsing code, just
by holding two special characters in registers.  It's when you start parsing
DTDs at least enough to find entity declarations that you get into difficulty,
and if, like Squeak, you already _have_ support for opening a URL and reading
from it, even that's not _too_ hard.

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