request for critique

Boris Gaertner Boris.Gaertner at
Mon Jun 2 17:28:09 UTC 2003

David Faden <dfaden at>
> Hi,
> I'm interested in getting some comments on a bit of Smalltalk code. Am
> I missing or misapplying some of the common idioms? Comments on style
> (or correctness) would be very welcome too. My code is attached to the
> bottom of this message.

One little remark about method generateImage:

<code snip>
 "Are morphs 0-indexed or 1-indexed? I'm assuming 1-indexed below."
 1 to: self width do: [:x || b |
  b := maxB.
  1 to: self height do: [:y || iteration |
</code snip>

image is a form and form coordinates run from
0 to form width - 1 and from 0 to form height - 1.

So you should write:

0 to: self width: do: [  <...> ]

When you look very carefully (or use a magnifier program like FisheyeMorph
you see a one
pixel black border on the top and on the left of your morph. This is because
you started
with 1 and not with 0.

Otherwise your example is ok.
Nice work!


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