Serial Ports on OS-X

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Thu Jun 5 00:03:50 UTC 2003

Over the last week or so I've been working on an enhanced serial port  
class that allows one to
alter serial port attributes on the fly, access rs232c pin information,  
plus invoke all sorts of extended
commands, abuse the unix termios and ioctl interface, and the macintosh  
device control call.

This all seems to work on os-x, untested on (linux/freebsd/openbsd),  
mostly working on os-9, unsupported
on windows (until a primitive or few is written and some smalltalk glue  
code created).

Right now I'm looking for a few folks who really want serial support on  
os-x or enhanced support on *nix* boxes.

If you match those expectations please email me for the changeset, and  
the os9/osx plugins

I'll note the *nix* version requires one to compile a external plugin  
for your *nix* environment so you should be comfortable with building  

The windows flavour requires a windows programmer to dig in and build  
the glue code and the minimal plugin, so
that one can set for example the baudRate on an open port, or determine  
if the CTS pin is high.

A bit more testing and I'll send to the havesters for general release.

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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