Squeak Demo image

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de
Tue Jun 24 08:10:14 UTC 2003

On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 07:42:48PM +0200, Daniel Vainsencher wrote:
> Cool - and they didn't stone you? ;-)
Nope. Seems to be that they actually liked it. Ruby is a quite nice
small scripting language that was heavily influenced by Smalltalk.
They even have Blocks. 

The Idea of the Talk was to show them the development environment
(they use VI...)


 Beyond vi 60min

 Ruby took some good ideas from Smalltalk . But it ignored the environment
 completly that made Smalltalk so powerfull. Using Squeak as an example,
 this talk will give an introduction to some advanced tools in the Smalltalk
 world (Refactoring Browser, StarBrowser, SLint, ...).

(actually, I did only show MethodFinder, RefactoringBrowser and the
wonderful SUNIT-Browser integration. The first part was a Squeak Demo).
> Seriously, how did people react? were they interested? did you get
> interesting questions?
My impression was that most of them were very impressed by the
methodfinder, refactoring browser and the overall development environment.
I talked to one guy from spain who's planning to implement a Ruby IDE, 
and he was very impressed (and had lots of good questions, actually). 


Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de  -- Squeak! http://squeak.de

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