[KCP] about VM

Stephane Ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sat Jun 28 15:44:10 UTC 2003


I'm extracting the class VM from SystemDictionary. It is attached for 
review and feedback.
Now I wanted to know if this method

	"Primitive. Enter the machine language debugger, if one exists. 
	See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."

	<primitive: 114>
	self primitiveFailed

would be a good candidate to be moved in VM too. I could not find a 
sender of this method. It is for VM
programmer to be called while C debugging?

VM has right now the following methods:

  a Set(#endianness #isLittleEndian #listBuiltinModules 
#specialObjectsArray #setPlatformPreferences #stopProfiling 
#getSystemAttribute: #quitPrimitive #externalObjects 
#vmParameterAt:put: #unregisterExternalObject: 
#unbindExternalPrimitives #specialSelectors #listLoadedModules 
#compactClassesArray #profile: #dumpProfile #version #platformName 
#platformSubtype #isBigEndian #recreateSpecialObjectsArray 
#startProfiling #osVersion #registerExternalObject: #vmParameterAt: 
#specialNargsAt: #getVMParameters #clearExternalObjects 
#specialSelectorAt: #unloadModule: #clearProfile #specialSelectorSize 
#listLoadedModule: #listBuiltinModule: #extraVMMemory 
#hasSpecialSelector:ifTrueSetByte: #extraVMMemory:)

We planned to have finally a class responsible for image management 
(GC, sources files, ...all the rest)

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Back latexing ;(

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