Develment Phork.

Alan Grimes alangrimes at
Wed Mar 5 01:06:24 UTC 2003


Over the last several months I have been assembling a computer
exclusively for work with Squeak 3.4. =) 

Now that it has arrived I can get to work.
The machine is a _DUAL_ Athlon 1.2 with 1gb RAM.
The only mounted HD is an 850MB...

I would like to contribute towards the goal of "SqueakNOS" through the
elimination of the X windowing system from the list of requirements...

My plan is to start a develment fork with the following two goals: 

1. Squeak/LFB -- Get Squeak fully functional with only the linear

2. MTSqueak. -- Implement a Many:Many process model and any other
requisite tools such as benchmarking, accounting, etc...

To persue these goals I would like to set up some kind of on-line
archive such as the one for the win32 fork of Squeak at sourceforge. If
there are any things I should take into consideration, plase inform me. 

On the technical front, I will be beating the information about /dev/lfb
and /dev/mouse of some leenooks snobs (its always hard to get inf0z from

On the squeak side, I need a list of the relevant classes..

The closest I have been able to find is "FFI-Examples-X11" but there is
no class comment and it doesn't seem to be on the citical path for the

Is there a "Squeak Porting Guide" on the swiki? 

Anyway, thax for noticing this message out of the immense heap that
comes through this list...

Karl Marx is smiling.

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