Experimental 3.5-1 VM and multilingual support

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Tue Mar 4 23:00:16 UTC 2003

On Tuesday 04 March 2003 02:40 pm, Colin Putney wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 4, 2003, at 02:27  PM, Colin Putney wrote:
> > str _ String streamContents: [:stream | Character allCharacters
> > do: [:c | stream nextPut: c]]
> > str allButFirst
> Oh, I forgot to mention why the call to #allButFirst is necessary.
> Null characters can't be part of strings cut and pasted between
> Squeak and Mac OS applications; the null and all subsequent
> characters are lost. The reason is obvious, and I'm not sure that
> it's actually a problem, but it's worth noting.

How is the reason obvious? Don't they have a length associated with 
their strings? X11 does, as do most languages (other than C). Even 
C++ (using std::string) can handle strings with embedded NUL 

Ned Konz

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