Experimental 3.5-1 VM and multilingual support

Ian Piumarta ian.piumarta at inria.fr
Wed Mar 5 03:14:08 UTC 2003

Hi Colin,

> The application bundle available from the usual place wouldn't run on 
> my machine. It seems to be trying to link against libiconv

Oops.  Sorry.  Thanks for spotting that.  It's entirely my fault for
having various things (like gimp) installed on my osx development machine
that depend on it.  I'll fix the relevant acinlude.m4 to avoid looking for
libiconv on Darwin (which doesn't even use it) and upload a new app
bundle.  (I should really install an entirely separate "clean room" osx on
my machine to build releases, with no 3rd-party s/w present at all.)

> str _ String streamContents: [:stream | Character allCharacters do: [:c 
> | stream nextPut: c]]
> str allButFirst
> I copied the resulting string and pasted it into BBEdit and saved the 
> file in MacRoman encoding, which I examined in a hex editor. The odd 
> thing was that the string I pasted into BBEdit was one character longer 
> than the string I selected in Squeak. The 27th character (ASCII value 
> 27) was repeated. All the other characters had the expected values. The 
> round trip worked fine though, if I pasted this string back into 
> Squeak, the extra character was removed.

I'm not sure what's going on here.  I printed out the hex that I store in
the pasteboard and there is only one escape character (27) in there.  
(For some reason I'm not surprised that the one character that's causing
strange behaviour in text is escape.)  When I select "show clipboard" in
the finder there are indeed one too many "box" characters between the
newline (char 15) and the space (char 32).

OTOH, I cannot reproduce this problem pasting into Emacs (via the
quartz-wm copy/paste proxy) nor by saving the selection into a file and
opening it; in both cases it works correctly.  For the moment I think I'll
just label this a mystery to be solved later if/when somebody really wants
to copy and paste escape characters around.  (It might even be that BBEdit
is retrieving the pasteboard contents incorrectly.)

> By the way, what's the proper way to disable building of a particular 
> plugin?

Just remove it from the plugins.ext or plugins.int file.

> I found that gcc crashed while attempting to compile ObjectiveCPlugin,
> and had to tweak the Makefile by hand to proceed.

Can you send me the error message (if you still have it)?

> Also, is there a way of building the application bundle automatically?

>From within the build dir:

	make Squeak.app

Hmm...  Now that I look more carefully this target is defined in
Makefile.dist (which isn't in the source archive).  It really _should_ be
in the Makefile.in.  I'll move it there immediately.  In the meantime,
paste the following into your Makefile.in (I'd put it just before the line
'# manual page' but it doesn't really matter where it goes) and then run
'./config.status' in your build dir to rebuild the Makefile, and then
'make Squeak.app' should work:


Squeak.app : squeak plugins Info.plist
	/bin/rm -rf $(app)
	mkdir -p			$(appdir)/MacOS
	cp -p  squeak			$(appdir)/MacOS/Squeak
	cp -p  */.libs/*.so		$(appdir)/MacOS/.
	cp -p  Info.plist		$(appdir)/.
	cp -p  $(osxdir)/PkgInfo	$(appdir)/.
	cp -pr $(osxdir)/Resources	$(appdir)/.

bndl_version=${VM_VERSION} (${SQ_VERSION})

Info.plist : $(osxdir)/Info.plist.in $(osxdir)/mkinfo
	$(osxdir)/mkinfo $(osxdir)/Info.plist.in Info.plist.tmp "${bndl_version}"
	mv Info.plist.tmp Info.plist

> All in all, nice work!

Thanks for all the feedback!


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