[Q][DOCS] dynamic open menu

Doug Way dway at riskmetrics.com
Sun Mar 9 04:44:38 UTC 2003

On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 09:14 AM, Hannes Hirzel wrote:
> Daniel Vainsencher <danielv at netvision.net.il> wrote:
>> What does this mean practically? I think as far as sharing the
>> refactorings goes, the idea of placing a removal script + a 
>> replacement
>> package on SM should work pretty well. However, we need to be careful
>> about the *contents* of both. The replacement package can't assume 
>> that
>> it is going back into it's old place, hooking itself into all those
>> longtime buddies that used to refer to it. It needs to hook up in
>> generic ways, such as the dynamic open menu, or the filelist services.
> Searching for "dynamic open menu" on the swiki gives no match.
> Could somebody write a few sentences about this concept, indicate
> which classes are affected and/or possibly give links to existing
> explanations (mail archive?)

The best I could suggest is to look at update-changeset #5105 in a 
3.4alpha/beta image.  The preamble has some description, and the 
changeset includes the relevant classes.  Also, there is probably some 
discussion on the list from around the same time (November 11).

- Doug Way

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