Squeak Modularized (formally Re: Teaching Image)

Joshua 'Schwa' Gargus schwa at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Mar 13 06:08:42 UTC 2003

Hi Alexandre,

The paper was very interesting.  I'll try to find some time to program with classboxes.
A couple of questions:

How does this programming model interact with traits, both from the point of view
of the programmer/user, and the implementor?

What is the performance penalty associated with the more complicated method lookup
scheme?  I realize that this is a complicated question that depends on the code
(eg: slower if you have to traverse up a bunch of superclasses, checking all
the nested classboxes for each superclass).  Nevertheless, I'd be interested to
hear your opinions on performance.

Related to the last question, I assume that once the method is found the first time,
it can be cached in a PIC and accessed just as fast as in regular Squeak, right?

Thanks for the link,

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