Anyway to interfere with startup? -djb

Ned Konz ned at
Thu Mar 27 18:43:08 UTC 2003

On Thursday 27 March 2003 10:30 am, Derek Brans wrote:
> In a saved image I have a dictionary that I clear (set to a new
> Dictionary) in a startup method.  I really need to be able to
> inspect that dictionary before it gets "newed".  Is there any way
> to do that (I suppose I would need to know how to interfere with
> startup)

You could try to break the startup method using a script from the 
command line.

That is, write something like

Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: MyClassThatInitializesTheDictionary.

in a script file and give the name of the file as a command line 

I'm not sure whether this will catch it in time (it depends on where 
in the start up list your class is with respect to the class that 
interprets startup scripts).

Ned Konz

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