Let's awake!

diegogomezdeck at consultar.com diegogomezdeck at consultar.com
Mon May 5 17:54:34 UTC 2003

Hi Tim,

I agree with your description of the sources of our problems but... It's
what we have and we must find a way to survive in this context.

The contraints are there and everybody knows them, the missing step is to
create a workaround to them.



> Stephane Ducasse <ducasse at iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
>> Hi diego
>> I **really** understand your point :).
> Me too - but I have some explanations as to why it might seem to be
> happening.
> First problem is time. Even those of us that are unemployed right now
> have plenty of stuff to do including trying to find ways to avoid
> checking into the Cardboard Condo. For example, I'm taking in model
> plane building work. It takes a lot of time and thought to do proper
> reviews of code; you need to read and understand and consider the
> architectural implications. You only need to look at some of the code
> currently in the system to see that this has not always been done in
> the past.
> Second problem is time - or in this case time coordination. I write
> some code that needs reviewing by Andreas, who is in Germany (or not,
> depending) in a different timezone. That screws up communication and
> makes things take longer. Even with people that work in the same office
> building it can be difficult to arrange reviews!
> Third problem is simply attention and getting it. We're all volunteers
> here and nobody _has_ to pay attention.
>> Stef
>> PS: if we could get money for two persons full time improving Squeak
>> this would solve a lot of problems. I'm really wondering how we could
>> make this happens.
> Hah! Me too. Anyone that can think of (and implement) a way for me to
> make the really quite small amount of money needed to keep me alive and
> net-connected would be a hero forever.
> tim
> --
> Tim Rowledge, tim at sumeru.stanford.edu, http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim
> Useful random insult:- His data bus stops for red lights.

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