A lurkers ravings (was RE: Smalltalk beep -> XXX beep?) (anothertry)

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Wed May 14 02:21:35 UTC 2003

"Russell Penney" <russell.penney at tincanct.com> wrote:
	I was thinking you might have a stub AbstractSound in the kernel, like
	you might have stubs for I/O. For example in a headless system I don't
	want sound and I want Transcript written to a logfile.

Perhaps #beep should move to TranscriptStream.  Transcript is sort of a
"base level" interaction point which is usable on headless systems,
soundless systems, &c.  If it's writing to a file Transcript beep
could just as well write a BEL character.

Since (Transcript beep) already works, the code can be adjusted in two
stages:  (1) change self beep to Transcript beep, (2) remove #beep from
Object.  Transcript is required by the ANSI standard, so there had better
be some minimalist form of Transcript even in the minimal image.

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