Question: interrogating a method's arguments

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at
Mon May 19 14:24:48 UTC 2003

Complementing Bob's answer to your actual question - what is the problem
you're trying to solve? using reflective facitilies to solve
non-reflective domain problems is often not the best solution (though it
might be a useful stopgap hack).


Brent Pinkney <pinkney_b at> wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the preferred way to access the arguments passed to a method ?
> Specifically I would like to get an Array of the arguments.
> e.g
> Foo>>#bar: aBar baz: aBaz baq: aBaq
> 	"Negate all my arguments before continuing..."
> 	thisContext arguments do: [ :arg | arg := arg negated ].
> There is (suprisingly) no #arguments method for thisContext.
> Thanks
> Brent

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