"Environment tests"

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Wed Nov 5 09:10:28 UTC 2003

> What about this: While your programm is running on Squeak 3.5, it 
> generates
> instances of Objects and calls methods on them, resulting in a differnt
> instance/changed instance. Couldn't we record these instances? with
> state1/methodcall/state2 we have everything we'd need for building 
> tests
> automatically. This test-suite would be an exact testsuite in the sense
> of "Program X thinks the environment should behave this way".
> Taking this test-suite to the new system will show those methods
> that behave in a different way, thus showing all the changes in the
> environment that might keep the programm from running.

Here one guy express test using logic language over execution trace.
This is nice you can tests really new thing but this is research and 
trace are complex
because you want to test whether a given message has been called twice 
or no, and you have to keep the state of objects between all the 
messages (ok I'm exagerating).

I think that you have two approach the research one (let us invent new 
stuff) and the
pragmatic one: building application by explicit use of clearly identify 
component (packages) + tests
Unit tests and integration tests. No magic but it works.


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