"Environment tests"

Lex Spoon lex at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Nov 6 22:42:06 UTC 2003

If a program passes SUnit tests when run within a certain environment,
then hasn't there been a decent "environment test" happening here?  The
idea being: a correct environment is one in which the program works
according to the tests.

This approach gives a straightforward and very useful way to approach
the problem Andreas describes.  If every package has an associated set
of tests, then the tests can be executed automatically every once in a
while.  The results of these tests can be fed back into the SqueakMap
entry for the package.

Incidentally, it is important to think about what versions of Squeak we
*care* about a package working with.  In general, there are just two
interesting versions for most people: the current stable version, and
the current unstable version.  I could see maybe a third version
emerging over time, some sort of super-stable release.  This should be
food for thought before tilting at the windmill of accurate version


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