swiki, commanche , 3.6, network rewrite, oh my

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Fri Nov 7 21:03:19 UTC 2003

On Nov 7, 2003, at 6:21 AM, Stephen Pair wrote:
> But, I was disappointed to learn that SmallWiki keeps everything in 
> memory and the SIXX based storage model just dumps out an entire wiki 
> to a huge XML file once per hour (or some other interval that you can 
> set).  But, maybe I'm missing something.  I did like the pluggability 
> of the storage system (you could plug different storage providers into 
> it...for example, you could plug in a snapshot based storage backend 
> that simply saved the image every so often).
> But, what I'd really like is something that doesn't keep the entire 
> content in memory (or even better has a caching strategy) and used 
> some sort of disk based storage (ie. database or file system).  What 
> does Gardner do in this regard?

OmniBase, GOODS, Magma?  Chango? ;)

It should be really easy to get Gardner (or SmallWiki) to use one of 
these.  If I have time I may try a GOODS/Gardner combination sometime 

Cees made some changes to the SmallWiki model that make OODB storage a 
little awkward - IIRC, links aren't direct pointers to other page 
objects, but go through an indirection, with a dynamically-bound 
lookup.  This makes sense when you're storing one file per page, but 
just complicates things otherwise.  Cees, are you still convinced this 
is necessary, or can I rip it out?


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