[MCZ] and adding related files

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sun Nov 9 07:57:34 UTC 2003

>> I agree; SAR is the way to go for this sort of thing.
>> Mcz is a strictly declarative format, containing only snapshots and 
>> version info. The fact that it's also a zip file is an implementation 
>> detail; Monticello will ignore anything it doesn't expect to find.
> The question would be whether you wanted these extra files to be 
> versioned along with the code.  There's no reason Monticello's notion 
> of package/snapshot couldn't be extended to include external files - 
> indeed, I'd always planned that MCPackage would allow various 
> declaration-providing services to register with it, with PackageInfo 
> (providing classes and methods) being just one of these.  Colin's 
> right that for now SAR is the only way to do what you need, but I'm 
> curious if there's any interest in that kind of redesign of MC.

I think that anything that would make package a stronger first class 
object is good.

> Avi

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