Question about 5351FITBFocus

ducasse ducasse at
Sun Nov 9 08:30:48 UTC 2003

Hi ned

while checking the conflicts between the look of diego and the image we 
found that
5351FITBFocus has two method with the following code:

	"create the [cancel] button"
	| result frame |
	result := SimpleButtonMorph new target: self;
				 color: Color lightRed.
		borderColor: (Preferences menuAppearance3d
				ifTrue: [#raised]
				ifFalse: [result color twiceDarker]).
	result label: 'Cancel(l)';
		 actionSelector: #cancel.
	result setNameTo: 'cancel'.
	frame := LayoutFrame new.
	frame leftFraction: 0.5;
		 leftOffset: 10;
		 bottomFraction: 1.0;
		 bottomOffset: -2.
	result layoutFrame: frame.
	self addMorph: result.
	[ self
		updateColor: result
		color: result color
		intensity: 2 ] on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [ :ex | ].
	^ result

I hate this kind of code (on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [ :ex | ]) 
because this is then a nightmare to debug. However, I would like to know
what was the problem? 

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