[Q][Newbie] disappearing dependents?

willem van den ende squeak at willemvandenende.com
Fri Nov 14 11:13:44 UTC 2003


Cees de Groot recently told me about the progress Squeak has made in the past 
1.5 years since I last checked it out. I must say performance looks much 
improved (it runs much smoother under linux now), it is quite stable, 
SqueakMap is great, and I appreciate a much leaner default image. Thanks to 
all involved!

As an exercise to try out various aspects of working with Squeak, I decided to 
make an RSS Client in Squeak, so I can follow blogs from my colleagues from 
within Squeak. So far I have managed to parse XML (that was easy with SUnit 
and the SAXParser), show titles from blog entries in a PluggableListMorph and 
use Scamper's WebPage pane to display the content of an entry. 

Now I am stuck with updating the WebPage when clicking in the 
PluggableListMorph. I stole some code from a tutorial, using the observer 
pattern with #changed: and #update: so I can tell Scamper to redisplay the 
page when the user clicks on another title. The frustrating thing is: it 
works _sometimes_ - I must be making a silly mistake somewhere. It especially 
stops working after I save the image. If I inspect the dependents of my 
RssModel in the method where I add the dependent, it works more often (but 
still not after saving the image with the RssViewer open).

I tried several things (including googling for some more info, filing out my 
code and reloading it into a fresh 3.6g image, using a Model subclass and not 
using one), but now I'm fresh out of ideas. Any help would be greatly 
appreciated. Below is the method that opens the window, and a link to the 
full source code, in case anyone is interested.

	| window titlesMorph model |
	rss _ RssHandler parseDocumentFromFileNamed: 'index.rss'.
	model _ RssModel new.
	model items: rss items.
	self rss: model.
	model addDependent: self.
	model dependents inspect.
	titlesMorph _ PluggableListMorph
				on: model
				list: #items
				selected: #select
				changeSelected: #select:.
	scamper _ Scamper new.
	window _ (SystemWindow labelled: 'RSS viewer')
				addMorph: titlesMorph
				frame: (0 @ 0 extent: 1 @ 0.2);
				addMorph: scamper webContentsPane
				frame: (0 @ 0.2 extent: 1 @ 0.8).
	window openInWorld



Willem van den Ende - http://www.cq2.nl
Meet CQ2 at XP-DAY Benelux http://www.xpday.nl

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