Celeste: Category mail moving...

Lex Spoon lex at cc.gatech.edu
Sun Nov 16 05:55:01 UTC 2003

mayureshkathe at softhome.net wrote:
> In Celeste, how do I move mail from the new category to a custom one?

Use the yellow button menu in the top-right pane.   "move" will put the
message in a different category and remove it from the current one. 
"file" will put it in the other category and remove it from the current

> What do I do to now import my mbox formated mails to Celeste?

I'm not sure what mbox format is.  Is it the "from space" format that
Eudora uses and that Unix programs use?  I'm guessing it is, in which
case you can use the "import" menu item in the top left pane of Celeste.

The messages will be imported into the current category, so you may want
to create a new category and switch to it before doing the import.

Incidentally, there is "export" as well; you can export both to
Celeste's format and to "from space" format.

Hope this gets you going!


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