Display craziness on Panther

Jim Menard jimm at io.com
Mon Nov 17 15:36:17 UTC 2003

I'm using John McIntosh's Squeak 3.6.1Beta3.app on my Mac OS X 10.3.1 
system (with the Squeak3.6-5424-full.changes and .image files). This 
version doesn't seem to crash, but I have different problems.

I start with a fresh image, set full screen on, and save the image and 
quit. When I re-start Squeak, the entire display has jumped up a 
centimeter or so. The tabs on the bottom are not at the bottom of the 
screen and the top of the display is chopped off. If I turn off full 
screen mode, the top of the Mac OS X window is hidden under the main 
menu bar.

When I click the mouse, the click is registered a centimeter or so up. 
Occasionally, I can see the mouse cursor jump up to where the clicks 
are being registered. If I do manage to click somewhere, say in a 
browser code edit pane, the text is redrawn improperly (the top 
centimeter or so is garbled).

Any ideas? I can of course work without full-screen mode on as a 

Thanks for your help.

Jim Menard, jimm at io.com, http://www.io.com/~jimm/
"I have found that humans often use Smalltalk during awkward moments."
     -- Commander Data, ST TNG

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