Doug Way dway at
Thu Nov 20 19:53:28 UTC 2003

Michael Roberts wrote:

>On the squeak foundation archives (which are the ones I checked before generating the mail)
>doesn't correctly show the title.  This must be a formatting thing for the thread.
>However, on the yahoo groups archive
>it shows the original mail correctly.
>So thanks for pointing that out.  I didn't realise that the formatting would occur.

Also, note that the SQFIXES archive acts as an intermediary between the 
mailing list and what shows up in the BFAV.  So, you can take a look at:

to see if any problem you're seeing is in the BFAV itself, or in the way 
that the SQFIXES archive gathers messages from the email list(s). 
(squeak-dev and squeak-harvest)

- Doug

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