Focus-follows-mouse and pass-window-activation-click

Julian Fitzell julian at
Sun Nov 23 21:00:15 UTC 2003

Andreas Raab wrote:
> Hi Cees,
>>Thanks for the snippets. Why do you think that passing the click on
>>stinks? Just curious, not argumentative...
> I think for me it's mostly the lack of keyboard control for switching
> between windows - if there were a good way of doing this I'd use clicks much
> less and likely be more happy with passing the click through then. However,
> as it stands the majority of cases where I click on windows are merely to
> bring them up to the front and in this situation I don't mean to change
> anything, not even accidentally. And having to hit precisely the title area
> (or actually: the label area because there are buttons in the title frame)
> or finding a known-not-to-be-problematic area is just too much for me to
> think about if I want to be efficient. So, yeah, let's put it like this: My
> primary choice would be keyboard navigation between windows, in their
> absence I'd rather prefer clicks not to change anything in the window.

Or even cooler than keyboard window switching (well, nice to have both I 
guess) would be to implement Expose 
( for Squeak.  Seems like 
it might be doable since we already do basically that when we shrink 
projects down.  But it would have to be blazingly fast and I have doubts 
whether we could pull it off at the moment.


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