The debugger is our friend (was [Re: Recommended books\

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Wed Oct 1 11:25:33 UTC 2003

On 01/10/03 05:03, "goran.krampe at" <goran.krampe at>

> Daniel Vainsencher <danielv at> wrote:
>> For learning Squeak, use Smalltalk books for the language, and read
>> code.
> And don't forget to use the tools. For example, the debugger is a great
> way to learn code - just step through it! Often forgotten by newbies I
> think.
> Another must is to know how to search the code: alt-m, alt-n, alt-N,
> method finder (ctrl-w), alt-b, instvar refs/class var refs etc. The best
> way to learn how to use a class or a method is to look how others have
> done it! alt-n/alt-N that is.
> regards, Göran

Welcome to Squeak, Tim
As usual, Göran do a wise advice.
I'm in the process to convert myself from 'structured guy " to Squeaker.
I'm learn from one manual in Code Warrior package what I first should learn
debugger and what "The debugger is our friend".
When I try to share what I learn is the first what I say.
Exist "A debugger way to programming", Alejandro Reimondo was who show me
how and I see a guided tutorial (not for Squeak) in somewhere, I think in
ESUG site.


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