
Avi Bryant avi at
Sat Oct 4 20:37:33 UTC 2003

On Saturday, October 4, 2003, at 07:21 AM, Phil Hudson wrote:

> Thanks for replying, you've given me some food for thought and a 
> possible
> solution - I hadn't thought of the #isBag approach. However, I think my
> problem is essentially insoluble in Smalltalk. I put this down to the
> lack of either multiple inheritance (yech) or interfaces (yay) in
> Smalltalk. In fact, I would go so far as to make this contentious 
> claim:
> because of this lack, it is not possible to realize the Decorator 
> design
> pattern cleanly, correctly and completely in Smalltalk. That is, you 
> can
> never create a 100% transparently substitutable decorator object in
> Smalltalk. (I notice the illustrative code in the GOF is in C++). I 
> hope
> I'm wrong about this, and that the real problem is just my boundless
> ignorance. Anybody?

The problem here is that in your eyes, "transparently substitutable" 
necessarily includes the criteria "belongs to the same class".  No 
Smalltalker is going to accept that.  What you have to realize is that 
in Smalltalk, class is *purely* an implementation detail.  It's a good 
way of reusing method implementations, nothing more.  In particular, 
class *is not* the same thing as type.  An object is not a collection 
because it inherits from Collection, but because it implements #do: and 
a few other methods.  Inheriting from Collection is simply a (very) 
convenient way of achieving this.

In the Ruby community, they call this "duck typing" - as in, "if it 
walks like a...".

Actually, this isn't too different from Java - anything can implement 
the Collection interface, and inheritance is just a convenient way of 
doing this.  The difference is that Java is statically typed, and so 
needs the notion at compile time of a formal Interface.  Smalltalk is 
dynamically typed, and doesn't.  I actually have exactly the same 
problem with the use of instanceof in Java that I do with the use of 
#isKindOf: in Smalltalk - you're breaking encapsulation in exactly the 
same ways.  It's just that in Java, there are fewer ways to work around 
it (you can't add isCollection() to Object).

Phil, if you want to continue this discussion, we should maybe do it 
privately - the list has had similar long threads before, and they can 
get a little tiring.

>> It is cognate with instanceof, but that's a low level operation and 
>> should
>> return a low level result.
> I'm unsure about the term "low level" in a Smalltalk context. Let's 
> roll
> with it for now. Perhaps you could give some it some more definition 
> in a
> follow-up.

A better term might have been "meta level".  There are some attributes 
of an object that are considered fairly private, and accessing these in 
normal usage would break encapsulation.  You will probably have no 
problem accepting that instance variables fall into this category, for 
example: most code should not be directly manipulating the values of an 
object's inst vars.  In Smalltalk, this is also true of an object's 

Now, there are in fact ways (#instVarAt:, #instVarNamed:) of accessing 
inst vars, and even legitimate uses - an object database 
implementation, for example, might well need to do this.  Similarly, 
there may well be special cases where you need to directly ask an 
object what class it has using #isKindOf:, but it should be done with 
the knowledge that you're breaking encapsulation to do so, and the 
answer you get back should be an encapsulation-breaking answer.

To put this another way: I think you suggested writing an 
implementation of #isKindOf: like this:

isKindOf: aClass
   ^ aClass == Bag or: [super isKindOf: aClass]

Say I had a class with an inst var 'foo' and a corresponding accessor 
#foo.  I decide to change the accessor name to #bar,  In my mind, the 
above implementation of #isKindOf: is equivalent to doing something 
like this:

instVarNamed: aString
   ^ aString = 'bar'
        ifTrue: [foo]
        ifFalse: [super instVarNamed: aString]

It's the wrong place to put such abstractions.

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