PackageInfo ... where?

ducasse ducasse at
Mon Oct 13 18:16:25 UTC 2003

hi avi

> I think the only reason we're suspicious of overrides is that we don't 
> have very good tools to handle them.

I agree until here ;)

> Personally, what I'd actually like to see is something like the CLOS 
> :around methods - so that Package A can modify the behavior of a 
> method in Package B by introducing a new entity rather than replacing 
> an existing one.

I do not really understand how this would help you. Do yo meant that 
you would like to be able to invoke hidden methods.
In such a case (mixed Juice at Ecoop2000) proposed something like that 
and this is clearly a change at the language level.

I think that for now we should have a **normal** (without any new 
semantical language impact) package so that we can learn by using it. 
(of course we can dream aloud...)


> Anyone have any good ideas of how we could implement that?

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