m17n package for 3.6-5424

Yoshiki Ohshima Yoshiki.Ohshima at acm.org
Tue Oct 14 09:48:14 UTC 2003


  I made another SAR file for 3.6 image.  This time, the functionality
hasn't changed too much since the last one.  However, in the light of
Babel, Tweak, Croquet, and etc., the change sets in the SAR are a bit
*modularized* so that you can understand the system or swap the
translation mechanism a bit easier.

  Oh, yes, if you want to use the left arrow character, evaluate:

StrikeFontSet installExternalFontFileName: 'arrowFont.out' encoding: UnicodeArrows leadingChar encodingName: #Arrow textStyleName: #DefaultMultiStyle.

and then inspect:

  (Unicode value: 2190) 

-- Yoshiki

The TODO's not mentioned in the postscript:

*  Reorganize MultiByteFileStream and MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream.  A
   filter like mechanism would be good.

*  make a concensus about the fileout header or file name extension.
   Andreas' trick:

	ctx _ thisContext.
	[ctx == nil or:[ctx receiver isKindOf: FileStream]] whileFalse:[ctx _ ctx sender].
	ctx ifNotNil:[fileStream := ctx receiver]

   may be useful.

* ...

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