[BUG]CodeLoader(Object)>>error: - Trying to use a startup script in 3.6

Nick Brown nickbrown at fastmail.fm
Tue Oct 14 10:26:49 UTC 2003

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:02:30 +0100, "Nick Brown" <nickbrown at fastmail.fm>
> I have also found that the script runs perfectly if Squeak is launched
> from a windows shortcut, or if it is lauched from a cygwin bash prompt,
> although in both cases only local names for the script work, fully
> qualified names do not - producing the same error. 

Oops. Not quite.

The situaltion appears to be the following: (for me at least)

-If Squeak cannot find the specified script, it produces the error.
-Fully qualified names for scripts never work.
-The script will only be found if it is in the root folder of the drive
on which Squeak is running, i.e. if Squeak is in c:\squeak\ then the
script must be in c:\ in order to be found. If Squeak is in u:\squeak\
then the script must be in u:\
-The above holds true whether invoking the script from the Windows
command prompt, Cygwin bash prompt, or from a Windows shortcut.
-Squeak's ability to find the script is not influenced by whether the
script is in a directory which is included in the PATH environment

I also note that when firing up a FileList2 in 3.6, no folder is selected
as default. Previously, FileList2 would open on the folder containing
Squeak (presumably the folder returned by FileDirectory default).

In 3.6,  FileList(1) still has the correct behavour, and opens on the
folder containing Squeak. I tried switching off the FileList2 preference,
saving the image, quiting, then trying to invoke a script from the same
folder as squeak. Sadly this made no difference. 

-Nick Brown

http://www.fastmail.fm - Consolidate POP email and Hotmail in one place

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