primitives and corrections/arrays?

Ragnar Hojland Espinosa ragnar at
Thu Oct 16 14:53:15 UTC 2003

I'm trying to pass a collection/array of strings through a primitive,
but its not working.. I'm having trouble at accessing the data in the
collection.  Example code pointers welcome.. I'm stuck :(

I guess I'll find the same problem when trying to populate an array
from C back to squeak..

BTW, I'm putting together some rather noobish notes on plugin writings
on FWIW..

primitiveLDAPSearch: someAttrs
	| i buffer buflen attrs mystr |
	self var: #buffer declareC: 'char buffer[8192]'.
	self var: #buflen declareC: 'int buflen'.
	self var: #attrs declareC: 'char** attrs'.
	self var: #i declareC: 'int i'.

	self primitive: 'primitiveLDAPSearch' parameters: #(ByteArray).

	buflen _ someAttrs size.
	self cCode: 'attrs = (char**) malloc (buflen)'.
	i _ 0.

	1 to: (someAttrs size) do: [ :idx |
		mystr _ someAttrs at: idx.
		buflen _ interpreterProxy byteSizeOf: mystr  cPtrAsOop.
		self cCode: 'strncpy (buffer, mystr, buflen)'.
		buffer at: buflen put: 0.
		self cCode: 'attrs[i++] = strdup(buffer)'. 

	self cCode: 'LDAP_Search  (attrs)'.
	^ true asOop: Boolean

I also tried the following, as the do: wasnt vorking very well..
	self primitive: 'primitiveLDAPSearch' parameters: #(Oop  Array).

	buflen _ someAttrs size.
	self cCode: 'attrs = (char**) malloc (buflen)'.
	i _ 0.
	someAttrs do: [:each | 
		buflen _ interpreterProxy byteSizeOf: each cPtrAsOop.
		self cCode: 'strncpy (buffer, each, buflen)'.
		buffer at: buflen put: 0.
		self cCode: 'attrs[i++] = strdup(each)'. 

	self cCode: 'LDAP_Search (attrs)'.


Ragnar Hojland - Project Manager
Linalco "Specialists in Linux and Free Software" Tel: +34-91-5970074 Fax: +34-91-5970083

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