X11 Server for Squeak!

David Faught dave_faught at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 18 17:15:10 UTC 2003

Aaron J Reichow wrote:
>I suppose the point of this post is to let anyone else interested in
>"Living out of Squeak" that this project exists *and* to let those
>working on the project (Ian, and perhaps others?) that I'm very
>excited about this!
> A functional X server for Squeak would allow many things- in my
>case, it would allow me to make Squeak my entire GUI environment,
>running it directly on the framebuffer on Linux, and running Mozilla
>Firebird within Squeak using this X Server.  After all, I can do
>pretty much everything with the tools we have now in Squeak-
>excepting a web browser, for which I rely on the host OS.

This does sound like an interesting idea, but I have a couple of

1. First of all, how do you make Squeak run directly on the frame
buffer on Linux?  I know I have seen some discussion of this before on
the list, but I couldn't find it by searching the list on GMane or
searching the swiki.

2. Although having the X Server in Squeak would be cool and allow you
to run Mozilla Firebird from "inside" Squeak, wouldn't it also be fun
to use a plugin or FFI interface to Mozilla directly?

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