Simple question

Raymond raymondasselin at
Tue Oct 21 02:18:06 UTC 2003

> Hi folks,
> I have a simple beginner question, hopefully somebody is able to gevi
> a hint:
> I'm able to write ST Code via the System Browser, I'm able to build
> nice GUIS in a graphical way and via the E-Toys Tiles and so on. But 
> there one thing I'm missing and I can't find so far, 
> In short I can't find the way I have to go when I have drawn the GUI
> my program, to assign code to it. 

Hi Robert,
                    I'm not an expert, but I think that you cannot have all you
want because the bridge between E-Toys and Squeak-Browser way of
programming is'nt completed yet. I'm not sure what is the status of
this project which was from the old 'Squeak Central Team' (sorry for
my squeakers friends -- saying 'old' -- but I don't want to write history

In brief E-Toys give you an object but not the class to go with as you
would like. Sure you can extend the capacity of E-Toys using the
'Showing textual code instead of Showing tiles and directly typing a
well form Smalltalk code' but this will never (for now) produce the
code (class, instance variables etc...) to reproduce the GUI you have
been build in a prototyping way.

> Maybe thats a really silly question, for experienced users, maybe I 
> haven't got the right idea of making apps in Squeeak yet or maybe I 
> don't see something which is pretty clear, nevertheless thats a point 
> where I stuck now, every help and hint is welcome.

Others Squeakers can help more than me here...
By the way I didn't find it too difficult to code a GUI from the system
Browser because you can go really small pieces at a time, and it is easy
to modify, know it for sure.

I know there is other alternatives but the only one a used was the code 
from Bob Arning (named: BobUI) I find it really interesting to put all
the pieces (Smalltalk one) together about GUI and Model. But it is not
what you want because it isn't graphical. There was, may be still is,
(don't know) Fabrik. Did you check on SqueakMap ?

Good luck

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