[ENH] addMoveToOtherSideKey-chbu

Chris Burkert chris at chrisburkert.de
Tue Oct 21 15:48:13 UTC 2003

This adds keystrokes to the DualChangeSorter.

$t for toggle (to move a class or method to the other side)
$c for copy (to copy a class or method to the other side)

            Chris Burkert
-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.6 of ''6 October 2003'' [latest update: #5424] on 21 October 2003 at 10:32:52 am'!

!ChangeSorter methodsFor: 'class list' stamp: 'chbu 10/21/2003 10:27'!
classListKey: aChar from: view
	"Respond to a Command key in the class-list pane."

	aChar == $x ifTrue: [^ self removeClass].
	aChar == $d ifTrue: [^ self forgetClass]. 
	aChar == $t ifTrue: [^ self moveClassToOther]. "toogle to the other side ($m is #implementors)"
	aChar == $c ifTrue: [^ self copyClassToOther]. "copy to the other side"

	^ self messageListKey: aChar from: view "picks up b,h,p"! !

!ChangeSorter methodsFor: 'class list' stamp: 'chbu 10/21/2003 10:31'!
classListMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted
	"Fill aMenu with items appropriate for the class list"

	aMenu title: 'class list'.
	Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [aMenu addStayUpItemSpecial].
	(parent notNil and: [shifted not])
		ifTrue: [aMenu addList: #( "These two only apply to dual change sorters"
			('copy class chgs to other side (c)'			copyClassToOther)	
			('move (toggle) class chgs to other side (t)'		moveClassToOther))].

	aMenu addList: (shifted
		ifFalse: [#(
			('delete class from change set (d)'		forgetClass)
			('remove class from system (x)'			removeClass)
			('browse full (b)'						browseMethodFull)
			('browse hierarchy (h)'					spawnHierarchy)
			('browse protocol (p)'					browseFullProtocol)
			('printOut'								printOutClass)
			('fileOut'								fileOutClass)
			('inst var refs...'						browseInstVarRefs)
			('inst var defs...'						browseInstVarDefs)
			('class var refs...'						browseClassVarRefs)
			('class vars'								browseClassVariables)
			('class refs (N)'							browseClassRefs)
			('more...'								offerShiftedClassListMenu))]

		ifTrue: [#(
			('unsent methods'						browseUnusedMethods)
			('unreferenced inst vars'				showUnreferencedInstVars)
			('unreferenced class vars'				showUnreferencedClassVars)
			('sample instance'						makeSampleInstance)
			('inspect instances'						inspectInstances)
			('inspect subinstances'					inspectSubInstances)
			('more...'								offerUnshiftedClassListMenu ))]).
	^ aMenu! !

!ChangeSorter methodsFor: 'message list' stamp: 'chbu 10/21/2003 10:30'!
messageListKey: aChar from: view
	"Respond to a Command key in the message-list pane."

	aChar == $d ifTrue: [^ self forget].
	aChar == $t ifTrue: [^ self moveMethodToOther ]. "toogle to the other side ($m is #implementors)"
	aChar == $c ifTrue: [^ self copyMethodToOther ]. "copy to the other side"
	super messageListKey: aChar from: view! !

!ChangeSorter methodsFor: 'message list' stamp: 'chbu 10/21/2003 10:32'!
messageMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted
	"Fill aMenu with items appropriate for the message list; could be for a single or double changeSorter"

	shifted ifTrue: [^ self shiftedMessageMenu: aMenu].

	aMenu title: 'message list'.
	Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [aMenu addStayUpItemSpecial].

	parent ifNotNil:
		[aMenu addList: #(
			('copy method to other side (c)'			copyMethodToOther)
			('move (toggle) method to other side (t)'			moveMethodToOther))].

	aMenu addList: #(
			('delete method from changeSet (d)'	forget)
			('remove method from system (x)'	removeMessage)
			('browse full (b)'					browseMethodFull)
			('browse hierarchy (h)'				spawnHierarchy)
			('browse method (O)'				openSingleMessageBrowser)
			('browse protocol (p)'				browseFullProtocol)
			('fileOut'							fileOutMessage)
			('printOut'							printOutMessage)
			('senders of... (n)'					browseSendersOfMessages)
			('implementors of... (m)'				browseMessages)
			('inheritance (i)'					methodHierarchy)
			('versions (v)'						browseVersions)
			('more...'							shiftedYellowButtonActivity)).
	^ aMenu
! !

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