[ENH] shrinkingSelection-th ( [er][et] [approved] )

Doug Way dway at riskmetrics.com
Sat Oct 25 04:32:59 UTC 2003

This is a significant refactoring of ParagraphEditor, but the code 
looks pretty good... some code is made more clear afterward.  There's 
been some discussion of this changeset already, I think it's a good 
time to include it, being early in the alpha cycle.

The only minor hesitation I have is with turning on 
wordStyleCursorMovement by default, as the line-based cursor movement 
is still sometimes useful.  But we can always switch the pref back if 
people object.  The selectionsMayShrink pref I agree should be turned 
on, as the old behavior is just plain inferior.

- Doug

On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 08:53 PM, torge.husfeldt at gmx.de wrote:

> from preamble:
> "Change Set:		shrinkingSelection
> Date:			20 September 2002
> Author:			Torge Husfeldt
> v0.4 - back to normal changeset
> Removed need to rename instvars of
> and thus recompile ParagraphEditor.
> Made new behavior the default.
> v0.3 - Moved to SAR-Format
>  Should remove most of the compatibility issues
> v0.2 - ParenBlinking compatibility
>  Changed class definition of ParagraphEditor to play nicely with Avi's
> ParenBlinking
>  Package. Note that the other way round things still get broken. i.e
> when you first
>  file in ShrinkingSelection and than Avi's ParenBlinking you will have
> to execute
>  the postscript found at the end of this cs again in order to have a
> stable system.
> v0.1 - initial
> Does a complete overhaul of cursor movement in ParagraphEditors.
> Adds two preferences:
> #selectionsMayShrink
> #wordStyleCursorMovement
> When left alone everything should work the same as before.
> When the first is set to true, cursor movement will be able to shrink a
> selection by changing its direction.
> When the second is set to true, cursor movement will adhere to 
> displayed
> lines rather than logical lines. Difference only visible in paragraphs
> with automatically wrapped lines.
> [moved the additon of the preferences to the postscript (je)]"
> !
> <shrinkingSelection-th.cs.gz>

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