Documentation, more, more

Matej Kosik kosik at
Mon Sep 1 10:58:37 UTC 2003

On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 10:19:15PM -0000, leftie2100 wrote:
> Considering the supposed emphasis on using Squeak as a teaching tool,
> I guess I find these reasons to be a really poor excuse. What good is
> a great tool to the public as a whole if the only people who can use
> it are the developers?
> The lead developers need to make development of good documentation
> just as central to releases as the code itself. Until they demand that
> documentation be completed and updated before software is released, it
> won't be. The lead developers need to take charge of the documentation
> process instead of allowing themselves to let others take this "chore"
> off their hands. The attitude I'm seeing here that the documentation
> is a necessary evil that must be "grinded out' sounds like it very
> well could be a significant part of the problem. Writing can be fun to
> do if you go about it in a light-hearted fashion and that type of
> writing also engages the reader.
> Personally, I know a bit about writing, but I know nothing about
> programming.  I'm a programming newbie that would really like to learn
> Squeak, but I'm pretty much kept from doing that because of your
> current documentation situation. I read this list because I keep
> hoping I'll read some new focused learning resources have been
> created. So when I read that many feel "coding is fun, documentation
> is not" on the threads, it doesn't do much for my confidence that I'll
> ever get the chance to use Squeak.
> If you guys really want to be the Squeak evangalists you seem to all
> claim you want to be, you're going to have to have a complete attitude
> change about things like complete centralized documentation and the
> creation of Squeak programming texts for those new to programming.

some sorces of information you might consider to check (in this order)


Adele Goldberg: Smalltalk-80, The Language (Purple Book)

not very funny, but convers the basics:
+ the language.
+ the fundamental classes one should be aware of (Numbers, Collections, ...)
  these things are there treated quite in detail. Those things are taken
  seriously there.

Without this knowledge I would not be able to appreciate the Squeak
(or any Smalltalk) appropriately.

Try everything directly in Squeak. Look at the class comments.

- You might perhaps consider to skip the following:
  - graphics (Squeak does the things differently)
  - Smalltalk implementation (byte code, object memory, virtual machine).

Mark Guzdial wrote two books directly about Squeak. The draft of one
can be find here:

The first and the second chapters are very good.

Now, look at the wiki:

Try to find out what is there. It contains various stuff targeting
on the particular problems. Here





The button `Search' works also.

Find the information, try out the demos. If there is is something what
does not work - annonce it or repair or improve it directly if you
are sure that you are right.

If you find out something usefull and it is not already there - add it.

Next try to look at various packages registered on squeakmap. If the
author meant its creation seriously, there is usually some information
about it.

- it either has separate web-page which may help you to start up.
- and/or there is "documentation" in the code (for example PlotMorph
  contains `example*' class methods which shows how to use the stuff.
VisualWorks contains also some usefull stuff. There some "lessons"
you might want to review. There are various pdf file but mostly
VW specific.

Help / Lessons Browser
Other stuff:

(various links - I didn't diged through everything)

(table layout tutorial)

(looks very well)

(very interesting)

(hm and perhaps also this one)

What do you want Squeak to use for? What information are you missing?
Matej Kosik <>
ICQ: 300133844

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