RFC: Babel at Work!

diegogomezdeck at consultar.com diegogomezdeck at consultar.com
Mon Sep 1 12:20:39 UTC 2003

Hi translators...

The last days we (we=small-land) were working hard to translate Squeak to

As you know, Babel can translate Squeak to any language included in
MacRoman character-set.

We didn't finish a complete translation but a lot is already there (world
menu and sub-menus, object catalog, flaps, file-list, properties dialogs,
morphs names, etc).

To try Babel with other language but Spanish follow these steps:

- Get the small-land image from http://squeak.linex.org/W32/Squeak35-

- Change the language to English using World Menu >> help.. >> set
language... >> English.  (The small-land image is in Spanish by default).

- Update the image to include all the changes we made pressing the button
[actualizar] (actualizar means update in Spanish) in the Small-Land flap.

- Create a new subclass of Language (use Spanish as an example) and
implement the method #name.  This name has to be the same symbol used in
Vocabulary class>>initializeLanguageTable (#English #Deutsch #'Español'
#Kiswahili #Nederlands #Norsk #Svenska)

- Change the language to you own (World Menu >> help.. >> set language...
>> YourOwnLanguage)

- You can start to translate using the tool named "Language Editor"
available from the Small-Land flap or from World Menu >> open... >>
Language Editor

- After translating the phrases used in flaps you can recreate them using
the button in the Language-Editor.

- Take in mind the option "debug" in the Language-Editor. This will show
the translated phrases like "translated phrase (original phrase)".  It's
useful to validate the translation work.

Comments, ideas, etc are ever welcome!

Enjoy it,

Diego Gomez Deck

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