Inlining an html file/page on a swiki

Ian Piumarta ian.piumarta at
Wed Sep 3 22:08:20 UTC 2003

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Doug Way wrote:
> This was brought up on the SqF list... is it possible to inline an html 
> file/page in a swiki page?  If not, is anyone interested in adding this 
> feature?

I've already talked Mark G about this, who forwarded my questions to the
local Swiki hacker at gatech who indicated (1) he finds the idea abhorrent
and (2) he has no interest in wasting his time on it.

So I've been wasting lots (more) of mine instead...

I'm currently trying to persuade lynx to -post_data successfully to the
Swiki, but giving it with the
encoded form data (containing new encoded content for 3382) yields only

  Looking up
  Making HTTP connection to
  Sending HTTP request.
  HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
  Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.
  Can't Access `'
  Alert!: Unable to access document.

and I'm rapidly approaching timeout and a unilateral secession from any
idea of maintaining up-to-date download links on the Swiki.

Ian (somewhat grumpily ;)

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