Floats in squeak...

Ian Piumarta ian.piumarta at inria.fr
Sat Sep 6 18:57:10 UTC 2003


> What should a bug-report to gcc-bugs look like?

If you run the program "gccbug" it should lead you through the
steps.  (There's a man page too.)

> Should I include the incorrect assembly code?


> Should I create a minimal program that exhibits this behavior?

Yes, if at all possible, preferably without any includes.

> don't know if the latter is feasible.

I'd cut and paste the fetchFloatAtinto macro into a new .c file, then
paste the offending function in there, then write a tiny main() that
reproduces the problam.  You  might have to put different parts in
separate files to avoid the optimiser optimising too much.

> Or should I just describe the symptom?

That too.

If you have to include the entire file, run it through the preprocessor
first.  Delete gnu-interp.o, cd bld/vm, make gnu-interp.o then copy the
compiler command and run it again replacing "-o gnu-interp.o" with
"-E -o gnu-interp.i".  gnu-interp.i is the file they'd like to see
(assuming you can't write a small test case).

(I could try to make a small test-case program if you like.)


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