About KCP and automatic initialize

Adam Spitz adspitz at yahoo.ca
Tue Sep 16 00:11:48 UTC 2003

Colin Putney wrote:

> This change would introduce an incompatibility with other
> Smalltalks at a pretty fundamental level.

Every so often I think about what a shame it is that there's so much
duplicated effort in the Smalltalk world - so many different
implementations of Smalltalk.

Then I remember that if all the Dolphin and VW and VA users out there
switched over to Squeak, there'd be so much demand for stability that
we'd never be able to make any progress.

And now we're talking about rejecting a refactoring because we want to
stay compatible with those other Smalltalks.

Anyway, I know it's more complex than that. Just struck me as funny,
that's all. :)


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