Some MC questions

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at
Tue Sep 16 23:03:24 UTC 2003

Julian Fitzell <julian at> wrote:
> I won't answer the other two points as Avi or Colin would be better able 
> to do so, but I can answer this one.  When you merge a version into your 
> working copy, you are incorporating the changes between that version and 
>   your closest common ancestor.  You then add that version as an 
> ancestor of your working copy.
> But your working copy is still modified relative to its primary ancestor.
Well, that depends what you consider your primary ancestor. Since the
name of the working copy is that of the file I merged, I really expect
the flag to be relative to that.

> I have suggested to Avi that having a button 
> that loads when your working copy is previously unmodified and merges 
> when it's modified would be a good idea to reduce the need for users to 
> know the differences.  But before we can do this we need a more reliable 
> system of noticing when changes are made to the package (we can't catch 
> class changes at the moment, for example).
Seems to me that the distinction I'm asking for should be made based on
the actual differences found. In the example I give, the empty package
has no ancestors, and therefore the diff is two way, so you know nothing
useful before you actually do the diff... IIUC.


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