Important Question for Obsolete Book writer (like me)

Doug Way dway at
Tue Sep 23 16:15:46 UTC 2003

ducasse wrote:

> I'm thinking about the new look in 3.7
> Is there a plan to add the Diego's look enhancements in 3.7?
> Why I ask that because I would like that my book does not look already 
> old before it get published.
> So I'm in the mood to redo all the screen shots (far too much) to use 
> a cooler look and feel if any.
> I was considering to use the enhancements even if they would not get 
> in 3.7 but this would
> be perfect if they would match.

I posted a "starter list" of potential 3.7 tasks on the SqF list awhile 
ago, as a basis for discussion, but there hasn't been much discussion 
yet.  Diego's look enhancements was near the top of that list, so I'd 
say that they will probably make it in for 3.7, but nothing can be 

The only objections I remember hearing about these look enhancements was 
that a few people didn't like the scrollbar look and wanted a preference 
to keep the old scrollbars, and there wasn't a preference.  This should 
be solvable, though.

The other issues you mention below will need to be discussed further, 
certainly some things like the KCP/SystemDictionary cleanup should continue.

- Doug

> Then
>     - from a KCP point of view I will try to push and clean new stuff 
> (SystemDictionary again)
>     - the event notification of roel could be a good candidate
>     - noury is rewriting from scratch a classBuilder (it may be too 
> premature to know now)
>     - is there a plan to introduce in 3.7 the fixes that nathanael 
> proposed for the last two years,
>     So I know that steven pair has stream doing the same but the end 
> result is that now we are missing
>     good fixes in the system
> What are the other plans for 3.7?
>     - any new main fixes?
>     - Flow?
> STef
> From: Nathanael Schärli <n.schaerli at>
> Date: Lun juil 1, 2002  23:17:44 Europe/Zurich
> To: squeak-dev at
> Subject: [ENH] Monitor for higher-level process synchronization
> Reply-To: squeak-dev at
> Attachments: There are 3 attachments
> Hey,
> I haven been programming some multi-threaded applications in Squeak, and
> once more I got reminded that it is really hard and cumbersome to write
> safe and understandable code by just using semaphores as the only means
> of synchronization.
> Having a look at the class SharedQueue is a good example: At a first
> glance, it seems to be doing what it is supposed to, but when you look
> at it more closely, you'll notice that there are about 5 or more
> synchronization bugs in it.
> I believe that it is possible to avoid most of these problems by using a
> higher-level synchronization mechanism, and therefore I implemented a
> variant of the well-known Monitor data-structure in Squeak. (In fact, I
> ported an implementation I did in VW about 2 years ago).
> This monior has the following properties:
> 1) At any time, only one process can be executing code inside a critcal
> section of a monitor.
> 2) A monitor is reentrant, which means that the active process in a
> monitor does never get blocked when it enters a (nested) critical
> section of the same monitor.
> 3) Inside a critcal section, a process can wait for an event that may be
> coupled to a certain condition. If the condition is not fulfilled, the
> process leaves the monitor temporarily (in order to let other processes
> enter) and waits until another process signals the event. Then, the
> original process checks the condition again (this often necessary
> because the state of the monitor could have changed in the meantime) and
> continues if it is fulfilled.
> 4) The monitor is fair, which means that the process that is waiting on
> a signaled condition the longest gets activated first.
> 5) The monitor allows to define timeouts after which a process gets
> activated automatically.
> There are several important advantages of such a Monitor over a
> Semaphore:
> 1) A process autimatically leaves the monitor when a condition is not
> fulfilled.
> 2) When a blocked process is woken up, the condition is always
> rechecked.
> 3) Point 1) and 2) together guarantee that the code following the
> condition is only executed if the condition holds. In addition, busy
> waits will never occur.
> 4) The monitor is reentrant
> In order to illustrate how a Monitor can drastically simplify process
> synchronization, let's assume that we would like to implement a
> thread-safe BoundedCounter with the following properties:
> - The counter provides methods #inc and #dec, which increment and
> decrement the counter.
> - If the value of the counter is equal to a certain #lowerBound (e.g.
> 0), every process invoking #dec gets blocked until the decrementation
> can be performed without getting a value less than #lowerBound.
> - Similarly, inc blocks processes in order to avoid values bigger than
> #upperBound (e.g. 10)
> Without a monitor, we typically use 3 semaphores (mutex, incPossible,
> decPossible) to safely implement this behavior. And as you can see, the
> whole synchronization is rather complex because the the usage of the
> semaphores have to be nested in order to avoid unsafe situations or
> deadlocks:
> BoundedCounter>>dec
>     | done |
>     done _ false.
>     [done] whileFalse: [
>         mutex critical: [
>             value > self lowerBound ifTrue: [
>                 value _ value - 1.
>                 done _ true.
>                 incPossible signal]].
>         done ifFalse: [decPossible wait]].
> BoundedCounter>>inc
>     | done |
>     done _ false.
>     [done] whileFalse: [
>         mutex critical: [
>             value < self upperBound ifTrue: [
>                 value _ value + 1.
>                 done _ true.
>                 decPossible signal]].
>         done ifFalse: [incPossible wait]].
> Instead of using 3 Semaphores, we can use just one Monitor (monitor).
> Like that, the code would look as follows:
> BoundedCounter>>dec
>     monitor critical: [
>         monitor waitUntil: [value > self lowerBound].
>         value = self upperBound ifTrue: [monitor signalAll].
>         value _ value - 1].
> BoundedCounter>>inc
>     monitor critical: [
>         monitor waitUntil: [value < self upperBound].
>         value = self lowerBound ifTrue: [monitor signalAll].
>         value _ value + 1].
> Let's have a closer look at what happens:
> - Invocation of #critical: ensures that only one process can be
> modifying the counter at a time.
> - Invocation of #waitUntil: guarantees that the argument condition holds
> when the following code is executed. As long as this condition does not
> hold, the process gets blocked and leaves the critical section so that
> another process can enter.
> - Invocation of #signalAll wakes up all the processes that have been
> blocked because there waiting condition was not fulfilled. As explained
> above, the conditio gets rechecked before the following code is
> executed.
> As you can see, this code is already a lot nicer than the original one.
> However, using more advanced features of the monitor can make it even
> nicer:
> BoundedCounter>>dec
>     monitor critical: [
>         monitor waitUntil: [value > self lowerBound] for:
> #decPossible.
>         monitor signal: #incPossible.
>         value _ value - 1].
> BoundedCounter>>inc
>     monitor critical: [
>         monitor waitUntil: [value < self upperBound] for:
> #incPossible.
>         monitor signal: #decPossible.
>         value _ value + 1].
> The difference to the implementation above are as follows:
> - The method #waitUntil:for: is very similar to the #waitUntil:. The
> only difference is the fact that a blocked process only gets woken up if
> the event provided as the second argument is signaled.
> - The method #signal: is very similar to #signalAll. The difference to
> #signalAll is that
> #signal: only wakes up *one* process that is waiting for the event
> specified as the argument.
> Well, you can find a complete documentation of the Monitor in the
> changeset "Monitor.1.cs" that is attached to this email (read the class
> comment). In addition, there is a changeset "MonitorTest.1.cs" that
> contains some SUnit tests, and a file BoundedCounter.1.cs that contains
> this example.
> Please let me know if you find bugs or have suggestions for changes...
> Cheers,
> Nathanael
> BTW: One remark for the ones that already know the Java synchronization
> mechanism: This Monitor implementation can be considered as a more
> powerful version of the Java synchronization mechanism. Just replace:
> #critical: ...  ->  synchronized() { ... }
> #wait  ->  wait()
> #signal  ->  notify()
> #signalAll  ->  notifyAll()

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