For Smalltalk, SmalltalkImage and the rest

ducasse ducasse at
Wed Sep 24 11:13:27 UTC 2003

Hi all

I'm creating a class SmalltalkImage from SystemDictionary.
Note that the name is not fixed. The responsibility are 
So if you have a better name do not hesitate.

Now the question that hurts:
	how do we want to access it from within a method

Proposal one:
	SmalltalkImage uniqueInstance vmPath

	I did everything with proposal one but I do not like it.

Proposal two:
	SmalltalkImage default vmPath

	could be better still...

Proposal three:
	Squeak := SmalltalkImage default "somewhere"
	and in the method
	Squeak vmPath

I would favor proposal three even if I do not like global variable.
Note that once SystemDictionary is cleaned with **could** reuse 

Proposal four:
	move everything on class side but I should say that this solution is
	the one that I hate over all the other one.

So please tell us what you prefer.


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