A little namespace "proposal"

Roel Wuyts Roel.Wuyts at ulb.ac.be
Tue Apr 6 16:07:45 UTC 2004

Wait - you were taking my post too literal.
Foo::Bar syntax is like one name 'Foo:Bar', which has two parts. So for 
me it is not a syntax for a message send.

Squeak is a class-based object-oriented languages, yes, in which you 
have classes that act as blueprints for creating methods (etc. etc). I 
know there is other beasts around, like Self or Javascript or Agora or 
Kevo or ... for example, that use prototypes, cloning and delegation. 
If you take Self or Kevo, which are quite interesting, you'll note that 
they have introdued class-like mechanisms because there was a real need 
for this. So, you only have objects (prototypes), but some of them act 
like classes, some of them act like traits, some of them act like maps 
(families in Kevo), and some of them as regular, user objects. If there 
is a real need for such different concepts, why not give them clear 
separate names and use them accordingly?

On 06 Apr 2004, at 17:06, Brent Pinkney wrote:

>> Note that the previous post with the DNU stuff etc was not a "serious"
>> proposal. It was just brainfood. :) I think having classes act as
>> Namespaces is a bit strange - just like Roel pointed out.
> Are we sure about this, or it is just our prejudice ?
> My background of Smalltalk has always lead me to undestand that 
> 'object responding to messages' is the seminal idea. (quotes ?)
> The interpretation of an oo system as classes with a compiler and a vm 
> invoking the resultant compiled methods is merely the current 
> implementation which get us to the _idea_ of live objects respnind gto 
> messages.
> Take Andreas's objects-as-compiled methods stuff: many would dfind 
> that just as strange.
> Taken this way (I must find the quote :)), the 'Foo Bar baz' syntax is 
> the natural syntax and the Foo::Bar stuff less consistent.
> Regards
> Brent
Roel Wuyts                                                              
roel.wuyts at ulb.ac.be                               Université Libre de 
Board Member of the European Smalltalk User Group: www.esug.org

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