User interface (invisible world)

Vaidas Didzbalis vaidas at
Thu Apr 8 17:07:47 UTC 2004

Actually this was my old friend's question when I showed how easy to build
thing in squeak.
I think that it is natural to ask that. I use MS Outlook, Word. Windows are
my primarily environment for me. Say I build some Requirements Management
Tool. While working with it I want to see windows desktop to see when
letters arrive or something like that happens.

>I used to think that was a good idea but now I think it is not a good one.
>What do you want to happen. What morph exactly ?

>>Does Squeak desktop applications must live in world?.
>Is it possible for morph to move out of the world to my desktop?
>>User could see only only that morph if it is the only thing needed to do
>>the job.

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