[BUG] Hidden text cursor

Hernan Tylim htylim at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Apr 10 21:33:23 UTC 2004

	Many times while I am using the last beta image (5878) I found
myself typing on a text pane but without the text cursor. 

	Trying to reproduce this bug I found that it happens when the
keyboardFocus has a nil value. Note that when keyboardFocus is nil the
keyboard events are sent to the morph under the hand. If that morph is a
textmorph it will not show the text cursor because it doesn't have the

	You can reproduce this bug in this way. First enable the
menuKeyboardControl preference. Then click on any textmorph (a
workspace, a browser, etc...). Next right click to make a menu pop-up.
Now the keyboard focus is on the menu. Now click again on the textmorph
and the menu will disappear leaving the keyboardFocus set to nil. The
textmorph now has no keyboard focus and is not showing a text cursor.

	I don’t feel that I can propose a fix for this because I know
nothing about the design choices on TextMorph, MenuMorph and the event
mechanism. Maybe someone more qualified than myself could check this
bug? Thanks.


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