[BUG] Transcript don't work in 3.6 final in MVC mode

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Sat Apr 17 02:59:24 UTC 2004

On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 09:37:26AM -0300, Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
> Today I work on a final 3.6 image and do some network stuff.
> When I have the following code:
> Transcript open.
> Transcript show: 'starting remote comm test';
>          cr.
> Transcript show: 'initializing network ... '.
> Trannscript open , but don¹t show any text.
> Some can confirm this bug ?

Confirmed. However, it's not really a bug, but rather a limitation
of the way the Controller works in MVC. Here is what is happening:

When you evaluate a block of code with "Transcript open" in it,
the "Transcript open" acts like a "GO TO". A new StandardSystemView
is created for the Transcript, and control is passed directly to
the controller for this view (a StandardSystemController). Control
never returns to the remaining expressions in your method, so it
is just as if your "Transcript show" output goes into the bit bucket.

Take a look at TranscriptStream>>openLabel: and you can see where
this is happening.

In order to do what you want in MVC, you will need to find a way
to open the Transcript and have it visible on the screen before
you write to it. See class DeferredActionStandardSystemController
for an example of how this can be done. The idea is to use a
DeferredActionStandardSystemController instead of a normal
StandardSystemController, then send #addDeferredUIMessage: to
the controller to schedule actions to occur after the new window
has been opened.

ProcessBrowser, CommandShell, and CrLfFileEditor provide examples
of how this is done. CommandShell and CrLfFileEditor are in the
CommandShell package on SqueakMap, and ProcessBrowser is part
of the standard image.


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