Multiple OS Windows for Squeak?

Peter William Lount peter at ActiveInfo.CA
Sat Apr 17 16:49:17 UTC 2004

Hi Alan,

> While the price of hardware continues to fall making the option of
> having two CRT displays for the price of one LCD display an appealing
> option, Squeak does not support it.
Actually I hadn't considered the scenario of having two hardware displays.

> To do so would require some changes to the image format and VM...
> Currently Display is a special object that can be accessed by the
> platform dependant VM code which then creates a display based on a raw
> bitmap stored in the image. Many changes would be required to allow one
> to instantiate Display as you suggest. =\
Are you saying that the current vm design of the smalltalk level code and/or
the C level code can only open one os window?

If the Display is stored as a bitmap in squeak that is copied to the os
window then it should be possible to have two or more os windows running and
getting copies. Of course that's only in the case when they display the same
project. Usually, for my use case scenarios at least, each window would be
displaying a seperate project.

Thanks for your insights,


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