Pending mac Carbon VM Squeak

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Thu Apr 22 06:02:15 UTC 2004

I was about to finalize 3.7.3b3, but then got a note from Tetsuya  
HAYASHI <tetha at>

"I notice my patch has a problem about MacRoman special characters when  
using with Info.plist in "macintosh" encoding (not in "UTF-8"). It's a  
severe issue I feel.

For example, folders are often named with a letter such like 'TM' or  
'f' or '...' until OS9 (I think it's not popular in MacOSX). My patches  
use API CFStringNormalize() without checking gCurrentVMEncoding, it  
causes a failure to launch an image when such MacRoman special  
characters are in a path name.

This issue would be fixed by inserting a check statement
	if (gCurrentVMEncoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
before call CFStringNormalize().

Thus with a bit of free time tonight I've fixed that. Please note that  
I've not personally tested it yet.
However please find an early release at


I would be delighted if folks can confirm this issue is fixed, and
John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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