[BUG] RunArrayTest>>testScanFromANSICompatibility causes an infinite loop

Frank Shearar frank.shearar at rnid.org.uk
Wed Apr 28 11:54:46 UTC 2004

RunArrayTest>>testScanFromANSICompatibility has the line

	RunArray scanFrom: (ReadStream on: '()a1death').

which runs forever because the $d gets interpreted as a TextDoIt.
TextDoIt>>scanFrom: says

	[strm skipTo: $;. strm peek == $;] whileFalse.

which loops forever.

Was I just stupid when I wrote RunArrayTest>>testScanFromANSICompatibility
or has something changed since update 5874? I'd thought that RunArry would
interpret "death" as a word, not as a TextDoIt.


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