Morphic, I still don't get it...

Giovanni Giorgi jj at
Sun Aug 1 17:53:04 UTC 2004

Hi Pupeno!
On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, Pupeno wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Morphic doesn't seem to have the concept of menubars nor toolbars... am I
> wrong ?
In the Morphic "world" menu are context-based. For example, in the squeak
browser you do not (really) see menu bars.

Toolbars are also missed.
Flaps are similar to toolbars: they hold "prototipes" of object ready to
be used.

> - From my point of view Morphic seems very powerfull to do very weird things,
> nice things but weird... am I wrong ? I mean, you can have nice things done
> with text in curves and so on, but most applications don't use that.
Yes and no...
With Morphic you can do "simple" and "ordinal" things, but morphic is not
GTK (or Qt) in sense it is born under Self from a different approach.

Squeak UI is a bit different in respect of MS-Window/Motif

> Another thing that I don't like about Morphic is that it doesn't 'impose' a
> set of standards so the programs end up being very different one to each
> other, colores, arrangements, buttons, etc, etc.

As far as I know, there aren't much standard as in Gnome.
But you get a list of capabilities from subclassing a Morph (for example
they can be roteted, clipped inside a window and manipulated in some standard

> My intention is not to be critic, but to understand, can you please, help me
> understand ?
I have done similar throughts: Morphic is different from standard UI you
see in X11/Windows.

It is a more "interactive world", giving you more space to work with: no
menu bars, windows with different color to identificate them faster, etoys
to manipulate objects and so on...
Bye bye :)

// Giovanni Giorgi

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